The people along the way

Ian and I were not the likeliest of friends. For one thing, I had over 20 years on him, which today seems deeply unfair. Of course, cancer and death have nothing to do with fairness. Nor is cancer in any way a gift.

Yet, on the journey through cancer, through treatments, through the shock of it all, treasures emerge. For me ~ each person’s trek is so unique ~ it released my grip, just a bit, on the why’s. The unanswerable questions drain precious time. And appreciation for that time is another.

But the people, companions on the way, . . . what an incredible treasure the people are! The kindness, the courage, the support, the honesty. Ian wrote me words of inspiration, he shared his megawatt smile, his gift of humor, his humble faith. He and Cassie modeled endurance, soldiering on with a smile through horrible side effects. They held on to hope. They revealed what selfless love looks like, and acts like, throughout a beautiful, cancer-challenged marriage cut far too short.

Ian loved spending time with the youth of our church; this summer he raised up a favorite camp song, Trading My Sorrows ~

And I’m trading my sickness
And I’m trading my pain
I’m laying it, laying it, laying it down
For the joy of the Lord

Aching with Cassie and rejoicing through tears with Ian, resting in comfort at last. What impact you had in so few years. Blessed be your memory.