Zero to Sixty . . .

In, well, sixty years.

Yeah, yeah, it’s just a number, but that doesn’t mean it is not a big one. Big because it doesn’t line up with the smaller number in my mind. And really big simply because I am grateful to claim the gift of 60.

A distinct memory (which is a feat these days) pops up of Grandpa Ylvisaker’s 90th birthday dinner. He kept saying he could not believe his oldest son was 60. As my dad approaches 90, we savor the gift of reliving that story.

Thoughts on joining the sixty club (excellent company!) were forming, but they were swept away when family and friends kicked off the decade in surprising, generous, and simply amazing style. Blessed beyond measure. All I can say is thank you from the core of my joy-filled heart. 💝 Seize the day.