
Four years ago, we awoke Easter morning in Madagascar. Having traveled since Good Friday, we were exhausted. Yet, I still wrestled with attempting to find an Easter celebration. We would not be able to travel to Erika’s home until the next day, but she advised us that worship would be crowded, hot, long, (6 hours!), and we would not understand a word of Malagasy. We opted to sit with the words of gospel readings instead.

On this snowy Easter morning, when we will celebrate the resurrection with our faith community online, I think of that other unusual morning. May the countless the ways we approach the empty tomb, help me grow in ways to treasure depths of new life. While I crave the people and Easter celebrations I love, I hope today is that the amazement grows deeper and richer no matter how and where we live resurrection. Alleluia!

11 thoughts on “Amazed

  1. Thank you for the contrast you’ve provided, for it reminds mat we celebrate Christ’s resurrection , no matter what. He is risen!


  2. Sarah, thank you as always for your wise words in these uncertain times…. to remind us that in the midst of our earthly uncertainly lies absolute certainty in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is RISEN. He is RISEN INDEED! Alleluia!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have seen the empty tomb. I have been with him and am with him who comforted Mary. Hal—leluah!! Hope that brings you a smile.
    Peace to you and to all…
    Hal Welch


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